Author Archives: Elizabeth

About Elizabeth

My work is based on simple and practical shapes-- a bowl for fruit, a plate for food, a vase for flowers-- though I strive at the same time for a certain lightness and elegance of form. Once the piece has taken form, then I try to push it beyond the limits of the ordinary, pulling the clay to distort it and deliberately or spontaneously layering or splashing on contrasting colour to fuse with the shape and catch the eye. When a piece comes out of the kiln, it pleases me if it makes you think of a nicely laid table and at the same time of surfaces marked by the wind, water and sun, like a rock or the face of a cliff or the trunk of a tree.

Fall colours

Makes me think of autumn leaves, birch bark, and all the colours of fall.  I dipped the piece once in the glaze for the lighter tones, and twice for the darker, dappled, bark-life effect.

Thrown on the wheel, dipped in glaze, then given a few final squirts for white and golden streams of colour.

Stoneware; fired in oxidation, to Cone 10
